
FENESTRATION BAU China photos are available for download here. Get an impression of the 2022 trade fair with a diverse range of vivid snapshots.

展会全景 / Exhibition

观众互动 / Audience Interaction Photos

展商&展品  Exhibitors & Products


Event-Fenestration Days China


Events-Facade Week (technology and new product themed exhibition area)

同期活动-Building+ CEO TALK无界峰会

Building+ CEO Talk Summit


FBC AWARDS HALL of FAME--   Themed Exhibition of Award-winning Products

同期活动-未来 X 智造 · 新浪潮沙龙

Event-Future X Intelligent Manufacturing Zone


Event-FBC Window and doors Installation Workshop


Event-Talk to Innovator Salon Series

同期活动-BAU CHINA之夜晚宴暨金轩奖颁奖盛典

Event-Gala Night of BAU CHINA

声明 Statement

本页面内任何可下载之标志(LOGO)及媒介文件均只能用于对FENESTRATION BAU China展会宣传报道或展会展商用于参展目的使用。 在上述情况下使用时,均应指明中联慕尼(北京)国际会展有限公司之版权。任何与FENESTRATION BAU China或其他类似活动有关之第三方或独立服务提供商均不得使用本页面上的任何可下载之标志(LOGO)或媒介文件。

Any downloadable logo and media files on this page can only be used for promotional reports of the FENESSTRATION BAU China exhibition or for exhibition exhibitors. When using it under the above circumstances, the copyright of MMU BAU Fenestration Co., Ltd should be specified. Any third party or independent service provider related to FENESSTRATION BAU China or other similar activities is not allowed to use any downloadable logo or media files on this page.


要玉颖 Chloe Yao

电话 +86-10-84719580-830
邮箱 chloe.yao@mmuexpo.com
地址 北京市朝阳区望京东园四区13号楼浦项中心A座8层806室